
Money Balls

Money Balls are Progressive!

Regular Money Ball
Sunday Day $ 2519
Sunday Night CLOSED
Monday Day CLOSED
Monday Night $ 1674
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday $ 1132
Thursday CLOSED
Friday $ 125
Saturday $ 935
Special Money Ball
Sunday Day $ 0
Sunday Night CLOSED
Monday Day CLOSED
Monday Night $ 1674
Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday $ 1132
Thursday CLOSED
Friday $ 398
Saturday $ 1535
Tonight's Red Hot Money Ball:
$ 1531.00

Live Money Balls

Money Balls are Progressive!

Live Regular Money Ball
Sunday Day
Live Special Money Ball
Sunday Day
Tonight's Live Red Hot Money Ball:

In House


Regular Money Ball

The regular Money Ball is good on All (10) regular games. Once the ball is "hit" it is finished for the evening.


Special Money Ball

The Special Money Ball is good on ALL four (4) special games and the U-Pick-Um game. Once the Special Ball is "hit", it is finished for the evening.


Red Hot Money Ball

The Red Hot 17 is good on all (10) second half of regular games. The last number called must be won on "I 17." Once the Red Hot Ball is "hit," it is finished for the session.


Ray's Mega 17 Cash Drawing

Over $17,000 in cash drawings every month
Drawn on or around the 17th, please check monthly calendar for exact date.
Up to 30 days to increase your chances.

All Above Games

All of the above games are independent of one another. More than once game could be hit at the same time by one winner. Winners must have a valid receipt to receive and of the above prizes. All receipts must be signed.



LIVE Regular Money Ball

The regular Money Ball is good on All (8) regular games. Once the ball is "hit" it is finished for the evening.


LIVE Red Hot 17

The Red Hot 17 is good on Bonanza, Charity, Second Half of Regular Games, Blackout part of Jackpot. The last number called must be won on "I 17." Once the Red Hot Ball is "hit," it is finished for the session.


LIVE All Above Games

All of the above games are independent of one another. More than once game could be hit at the same time by one winner. Winners must have a valid receipt to receive and of the above prizes. All receipts must be signed.